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We Are Back

From Lyn Tout, Chair of the Board

Yippee – hockey is back!

Great news this week that we can resume training and playing.

Training will commence on:

Wednesday 28th July – junior and masters training

Thursday 29th – junior and senior training

Competition will commence on:

Friday 30th – juniors

Saturday 31st – seniors

Monday 2nd August – open age men’s

Wednesday 4th – women’s masters

As with all returns from lockdowns there are rules to be followed. The following must be adhered to at all times:

  • Masks must be worn outside when not engaged in training or playing and inside at all times, except when eating or drinking.

  • Everyone MUST QR CODE in on arrival

  • Training will be conducted in groups of no more than 20. The field can be divided in half and have 20 at each end. Coach is not included in number.

  • No spectators at training or games, except for parent/guardian who has to supply care (1 adult/child).

  • Each group who attends training to use a different shelter for their gear and benches are to be sanitised at the end of each session.

  • Numbers allowed in club rooms must be adhered to. Visitors and women = 6, men = 6, social = 25 (these must be seated – no standing to chat or consume food/drink).

  • Where possible players are asked to come to ground ready to play and shower at home.

  • No handshakes, high fives

  • No spitting

We will have an appointed COVID Marshall for every session – training and games – the advice of this person must be followed at all times. Failure to do so may result in suspension from the Club.

Werribee has been the leaders in recognizing and following the Return to Hockey Guidelines. I am sure we will continue to do so. The Board appreciates and thanks you for your support in implementing the regulations and look forward to seeing hockey back in action.

Please read the Guidelines below, Thank you.


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