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We are Werribee!

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Update 4 OIctober 2021 By Lyn Tout, Chair of the Board

I trust that you and your families are all well. A huge shout out to all our essential workers who have kept our state going. An extra shout out to those of you who have been forced into 14 days of quarantine due to coming into contact via you work. Stay safe everyone.

The Roadmap is showing some hope for the resumption of community sport. The following is taken directly from the “Victoria’s Roadmap: Delivering the National Plan” document:

At 80 % fully vaccinated:

Community sport …. Fully vaccinated: outdoors density quotient – 1 per 2 square metres capped at 500. Community sport permitted … outdoors with minimum numbers required, spectators public gathering limits apply”

My understanding of this is - at or about 5th November, when Victoria achieves an 80% fully vaccinated figure community sport will be able to resume. There will be restrictions around how many can be at the ground at any one time and spectators will have limitations, these are not clear at the moment. There is also lack of clarity around whether people will need to be vaccinated to participate. I am sure this will be clarified closer to the event, and we will keep you informed.

Currently the Board is hoping that we can begin some form of competition hockey the week after the Melbourne Cup – we are entering teams in the HV Indoor Comp and investigating the outdoor competition. In addition to this we will be conducting some intraclub competitions for both senior and juniors when we are able.

We are also working on ensuring that we can celebrate the hockey that we played this year with an end of season celebration and presentation event. The timing will be dependent on COVID restrictions but most likely mid to late November. Due to the restrictions for venues, we have decided we will have an outdoor function at the Club. Juniors late morning and seniors late afternoon into the evening. More information will be circulated once we get a clearer picture of what the coming months hold. Stay tuned.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held in November – date to be confirmed. The current Board will be seeking to be reelected however other nominations will be gratefully received. In addition to the Board there are many roles that need to be filled to ensure the Club runs at its best. The list of committee roles are depicted in the diagram below – job descriptions for each role is available from These roles are filled by an EOI – if there is something that you think you can take on or an area that you would like to help out with please speak to one of the current Board to find out more.

Looking forward to seeing you back on the pitch sometime not too far into the future. Stay safe people and stay in touch.


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